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  (LEAD) opposition party-fast-track bills
 작성자 :
작성일 : 2019-04-27     조회 : 3  
 관련링크 :  http:// [5]
 관련링크 :  http:// [1]


(LEAD) Opposition party stages massive street protest against move to fast-track key bills

(ATTN: ADDS more details in paras 2-5; UPDATES photos)

SEOUL, April 27 (Yonhap) -- The main opposition Liberty Korea Party (LKP) took to the streets Saturday to launch an all-out protest against a joint move by ruling and other rival political parties to fast-track key bills, including an electoral reform.

LKP legislators and party members, wearing red T-shirts with the message, "We will fight till the end" written on them, gathered in central Seoul's Gwanghwamun Square for the demonstration.

The LKP put the estimate of attendees at Saturday's rally at 50,000.

LKP leader Hwang Kyo-ahn took the podium and made a resounding speech lashing out at the liberal Moon Jae-in government and the ruling Democratic Party (DP) as those who "try to use the fast-track to their own advantage" so as to gain an upper hand in next year's parliamentary elections.

"We're waging a fair struggle so as to derail this barbaric fast-track action," he said.

LKP floor leader Na Kyung-won also had her turn at the podium, condemning the move as "an act by the leftists that gravely undermines parliamentary democracy and the Constitution."

The main opposition Liberty Korea Party leader, Hwang Kyo-ahn, makes a speech during a rally against the proposed fast-track of key bills by the ruling Democratic Party and other rival parties, in central Seoul on April 27, 2019. (Yonhap)

"The leftists are trying to wipe out this country's free democracy. They have humiliated the National Assembly that represents our people," she shouted. "The electoral (reform) bill is a tool they need to extend their terms in power for as long as they want."

Four parties, not including the LKP, agreed Monday to a package deal to fast-track bills on electoral reform, the establishment of a special unit to investigate alleged corruption by high-ranking public officials and enhancement of the police's authority to conduct probes.

The National Assembly can designate a bill that fails to get bipartisan support for a long period as a fast-track proposal if three-fifths of lawmakers in a parliamentary committee approve the move. This is designed to prevent a certain proposal from remaining pending for too long.

The row has turned into an ugly scuffle. On Friday, LKP members physically, and with office equipment, such as copy machines, blocked the entry to the assembly office where the plenary meeting was to be held. Nail pullers and iron hammers were brought in to smash down the doors.

Saturday's street demonstration is the LKP's second protest following last week's rally.

The LKP expressed its firm intent to continue its fight. A 102-team of its legislators will be running a round-the-clock standby to deter the DP-led coalition from passing the bills, it said.

LKP legislators and party members march toward the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, as part of a rally against the fast-track of key bills, on April 27, 2019. (Yonhap)


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자유한국당 나경원 원내대표와 의원들이 26일 오후 국회 220호 회의실 앞에서 사법개혁특별위원회 이상민 위원장과 의원들이 도착하자 바닥에 드러누워 구호를 외치며 저지하고 있다. ⓒ데일리안 박항구 기자자유한국당 나경원 원내대표와 의원들이 26일 오후 국회 220호 회의실 앞에서 사법개혁특별위원회 이상민 위원장과 의원들이 도착하자 바닥에 드러누워 구호를 외치며 저지하고 있다. ⓒ데일리안 박항구 기자

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