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  Three Generations on a Family Trip, Three Retired Couples, a...
 작성자 :
작성일 : 2019-05-31     조회 : 13  
 관련링크 :  http:// [25]
 관련링크 :  http:// [21]


There were a lot of people traveling with their families among those on board the riverboat on the Danube in Budapest, Hungary. Among them were a six-year-old girl with her grandparents and a brother-and-sister pair. Three couples of former public officials, who had worked at the Korean Intellectual Property Office, were also on board.

Ahn (60), who was rescued on May 30, was traveling with Choi (63) and Yu (62), civil servants whom he had worked with at the Intellectual Property Office. Choi and Yu retired in 2012, and Ahn retired as a grade-four secretary in 2015. The men had been close since their days in office, and they were each accompanied by their wives. Among the six people, only Ahn was rescued as of May 30.

Jeong (31), who was rescued, came to Budapest with her younger brother (28). As of May 30, her brother has yet to be rescued. During an interview with Yonhap News, Jeong's family said, "The two were so close, enough to travel overseas together. They went on the trip seeking change (because the younger brother had been having a hard time recently). This was their first trip overseas, and this had to happen." This day, Jeong called her parents and tearfully delivered the news that her brother had not been able to escape from the sunken boat.

The oldest passenger on board the Hableany was a seventy-one year old male and the youngest was a six-year-old girl. The girl was traveling with her mother and grandparents. The girl's uncle visited the travel agency this day. He has also applied to fly to Hungary.

So far seven passengers have been rescued. Hwang (49, female), Yi (66, female), and Kim (55, female) received treatment at Uzsoki Hospital; Yi (64, female), Yun (32, female), and Jeong (31, female) at Honved Hospital; and Ahn at Szent Imre Hospital. Among them, reportedly, four have been discharged. Local media reported that three of those still in the hospital are free of any health issues.

Ten family members of the victims departed in the early hours of May 31 to visit the scene of the accident.

As of May 30, forty family members have requested to visit the site. Fifteen employees and executives of Very Good Tour, which sold the travel package, headed for Hungary on May 30 to inspect the damage and take necessary measures.

On May 30 at the company headquarters in Jung-gu, Seoul, Lee Sang-moo, executive director (chief customer officer, CCO) of Very Good Tour said, "Our employees will first escort ten family members who want to visit the site on the 1a.m. flight on May 31." He further explained, "At present (afternoon of May 30), a total of 38 family members of the victims have asked to visit the site of the accident, and the number is rising." Two staff members from the company will accompany the victims' families on the 1 a.m. flight.

The travel agency decided to schedule additional flights after considering the circumstances of the victims' families. The other families will depart on May 31 along with six employees of the travel agency. The families will head to Hungary in three separate flights due to seating issues.

The first to arrive will arrive in Hungary at 12:55 p.m. on May 31 (local time). They are likely to first visit the hospital where the survivors and the bodies have been transported.

According to the travel agency, there were 35 people on board the riverboat. There were thirty Very Good Tour clients, one Korean facilitator, one Korean guide, and one Korean guide cum photographer, one Hungarian captain and one Hungarian crew. Among them, seven were rescued and seven have died. Twenty-one are still missing.

Executive director Lee said, "There are some clients who do not want to reveal the fact that they were traveling.," and also said, "I have spoken with the families of all the victims at least once. There are many visiting the company or calling to check the situation." He added, "A total of thirty people in nine groups were traveling. I think there were many with their families."

On the afternoon of May 30 (local time), military soldiers and the police conduct a search and rescue operation at Margit Bridge on the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary, where the boat Hableany (mermaid) sank with South Korean tourists on board. Yonhap News

The travel agency said that a total of 33 employees, including 28 Korean staff and five local employees, would be handling the accident and the treatment of families on site. Lee said, "I deeply bow and apologize to all the bereaved families. Regardless of the costs, our company will do its utmost to smoothly resolve this incident and minimize the damage."

The victims had departed on May 25 and were scheduled to travel until June 2. The nine-day trip across two Balkan countries and four major Eastern European countries, which the victims were on, is a group tour preferred by middle-aged clients, and a lot of the clients were traveling with their families. The tourists arrived in Munich, Germany on May 25 and arrived in Budapest, Hungary on May 29 after traveling through Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia. On the morning of the accident, they toured the Buda districts and the Pest districts. They boarded the ferry that evening.

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